Poem: "Puritans" by Roy Carnon
New puritans
proclaim brevity
explain poverty
in earth colours
paint a new dirision
on hardened lips
cast a kiss
in concrete fancy.
Do you know how much the telephone is saying
in the next room.
Poem: "Clash of Bells" by Roy Carnon
(London 1941)
Bitter water of our tears
channelled this convergence
to a clash of bells.
Over the sombre leaded city
the red pall hung
staining stone with crimson fire.
Only we moved --
only we moved about our earthbound circles
hot with pinpoints in the sky.
Through empty false perspective streets
vanishing to a point
of searing fire
and no return.
Poem: "Alone" by Roy Carnon
in solitude
or when the wind
weeps secretly --
alone and turning lost
to you.
Cry now
the scar of cold
recalls the old, dead
on frigid midnights
without the kindness
of your kiss.
in morning verdict
parched with prayer
and close the door of dream
in evening
Poem: "Forgotten" by Roy Carnon
Forgotten -- last years primroses --
from splattered snow today's are springing,
in clay Spring is softly ringing.
Forgotten fields of poppy heads
seed on barren lands --
a slower bell is swinging
for wire and crippled hands.
Poem: "The Sky is Serious" by Roy Carnon
Listen .......
the sky is serious --
black hours tighten on the wrist
lurking in twilight watersheds
and with the urge of morning
will mobilise
to filter a remnant of night
from the catchment land.
Then we will vomit our dreams
into the light-sick bowl
and falsify our end of history
into day.
This page needs your help. If you know anything about the circumstances or background behind any of these poems please tell me by email eric@satsig.net and I will add your comment.