Moor gallery pictures

by Roy Carnon

These thumbnail images below are of non-commercial pictures, all believed to be by Roy Carnon.  The pictures were on the walls of the house in Mere, where Roy Carnon used to live till he died 2002. His wife Joy lived there till she died 2017.  I took photos around the house and the extracts are shown below. I have tried to straighten up the perspective to create rectangular shapes so they look better, but the resolution quality is poor from my very old digital mobile-phone type gadget. I have altered the colours and contrast etc to make them look nicer, but adjusting the perspective to get the edges straight was the biggest problem. At least the images are small in number of bytes and therefore load quickly!.

Some of the pictures were given to friends and many were sold by auction at Cheffins in Cambridge in 2018/2019/2020.  Other auction sales companies with websites also appear to have participated in the sales.


If you know can tell me more about any of these pictures, or about any possible re-sales, please tell me: There are some good opportunities for better titles, names or descriptions,

Moored boats
Mo-11 Moored boats Sold £33 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Cows in Autumn
Mo-12 Cows in Autumn Sold 28 Mar 2019 Cheffins

Pool Scopelos
Mo-13 Scopelos, Greece
Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins
Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffin

Pomona Ave
Mo-14 House. Possibly Pomona Ave, London.

Mo-15 Orange houses

Mo-16 Denmark. Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Mo-17 Abstract

Life Boat to Norway
Mo-18 Boat to Norway Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Green Hump plus trees
Mo-19 Green Hump plus trees

Mo-20 Freezing cold. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Mo-21 Farm House

Mo-22 Moo

Mo-23 Church

Mo-24 Norway houses in harbour Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Sortland Lofoten
Mo-25 Sortland Lofoten Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Plant in red Pot
Mo-26 Plant Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Sailing boats
Mo-27 Sailing boats Sold 28/3/2019 Cheffins

Trees and Road
Mo-28 Trees

Mo-29 Table with flowers. Sold 24 Oct 2019

Book ends Publishers Party (Movement 90)
Mo-30 Publishers Party (Movement 90)  Sold 15 Nov 2018. Cheffins

Pink Roses on blue mug
Mo-31 Pink Roses on blue mug.  Sold Cheffins 28 March 2019

Snowed tree in town
Mo-32 Snowed in town

Mo-33 Road

Eel Brook Common
Mo-34 Eel Brook Common Sold 11 Oct 2018

Church of St Peter and St Paul, Godalming
Mo-35 Church of St Peter and St Paul, Godalming

Cattle resting
Mo-37 Cattle resting Sold 25/4/2019 Cheffins

Two white flowers
Mo-38 Two White flowers

Pink and black ladies
Mo-40 Pink and black ladies Sold 11/10/2018  Cheffins

Mo-41 Trees

Fleurs on red box
Mo-42   Fleurs on red box. Sold 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Drink circles
Mo-44 Drink circles. Sold 24 Oct 2019

Drone view of town
Mo-45 Drone view of town.

Table cloth-blue-white-checker
Mo-46 Blue/white Table cloth. Sold £20  23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

All Hallows Church, Tillingdon
Mo-48 All Hallows Church, Tillingdon, Petworth. Sold 11 Oct 2018

Mo-49 Orange.

Red knees
Mo-51 Red knees.

Docks view
Mo-52 The docks. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

London Street Scene
Mo-53 London Street Scene. Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins

red book ends Well Read Movement 90
Mo-54 Well Read 'Movement 90'.  Sold 15 Nov 2018. Cheffins

Walkers in the park
Mo-55 Walkers in the park.

Blue/green dancer
Mo-56 Blue/green dancer. Sold 15 Nov 2018 Cheffins

Mo-57 Derelict Catalina at Red Hills Lake, Madras. Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins

Mo-58 Birthday '96 card. "Your place or mine". Sold Cheffins 7 Feb 2019

Mo-59 Two figs b/w sketch. Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

2 female
Mo-60 Two figs b/w sketch. Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Building site
Mo-67 Building site.

Bad knees
Mo-69 Bad knees. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Stage roof at Pinewood Studios
Mo-70 Stage roof at Pinewood Studios. Sold £33 24 Jan 2020 Cheffins

The mount
Mo-71 The mount. Sold £33 24 Jan 2020

Cottage in Fulham
Mo-74 Fulham. Sold 6 Dec 2019

Moored boats
Mo-11 Moored boats Sold £33 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Cows in Autumn
Mo-12 Cows in Autumn Sold 28 Mar 2019 Cheffins

Pool Scopelos
Mo-13 Scopelos, Greece
Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins
Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Pomona Ave
Mo-14 House. Possibly Pomona Ave, London.

Mo-15 Orange houses

Mo-16 Denmark. Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Mo-17 Abstract

Life Boat to Norway
Mo-18 Boat to Norway Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Green Hump plus trees
Mo-19 Green Hump plus trees

Mo-20 Freezing cold. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Mo-21 Farm House

Mo-22 Moo

Mo-23 Church

Mo-24 Norway houses in harbour Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Sortland Lofoten
Mo-25 Sortland Lofoten Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Plant in red Pot
Mo-26 Plant Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Sailing boats
Mo-27 Sailing boats Sold 28/3/2019 Cheffins

Trees and Road
Mo-28 Trees

Mo-29 Table with flowers. Sold 24 Oct 2019

Book ends Publishers Party (Movement 90)
Mo-30 Publishers Party (Movement 90)  Sold 15 Nov 2018. Cheffins

Pink Roses on blue mug
Mo-31 Pink Roses on blue mug.  Sold Cheffins 28 March 2019

Snowed tree in town
Mo-32 Snowed in town

Mo-33 Road

Eel Brook Common
Mo-34 Eel Brook Common Sold 11 Oct 2018

Church of St Peter and St Paul, Godalming
Mo-35 Church of St Peter and St Paul, Godalming

Cattle resting
Mo-37 Cattle resting Sold 25/4/2019 Cheffins

Two white flowers
Mo-38 Two White flowers

Pink and black ladies
Mo-40 Pink and black ladies Sold 11/10/2018  Cheffins

Mo-41 Trees

Fleurs on red box
Mo-42   Fleurs on red box. Sold 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Drink circles
Mo-44 Drink circles. Sold 24 Oct 2019

Drone view of town
Mo-45 Drone view of town.

Table cloth-blue-white-checker
Mo-46 Blue/white Table cloth. Sold £20  23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

All Hallows Church, Tillingdon
Mo-48 All Hallows Church, Tillingdon, Petworth. Sold 11 Oct 2018

Mo-49 Orange.

Red knees
Mo-51 Red knees.

Docks view
Mo-52 The docks. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

London Street Scene
Mo-53 London Street Scene. Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins

red book ends Well Read Movement 90
Mo-54 Well Read 'Movement 90'.  Sold 15 Nov 2018. Cheffins

Walkers in the park
Mo-55 Walkers in the park.

Blue/green dancer
Mo-56 Blue/green dancer. Sold 15 Nov 2018 Cheffins

Mo-57 Derelict Catalina at Red Hills Lake, Madras. Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins

Mo-58 Birthday '96 card. "Your place or mine". Sold Cheffins 7 Feb 2019

Mo-59 Two figs b/w sketch. Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

2 female
Mo-60 Two figs b/w sketch. Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Building site
Mo-67 Building site.

Bad knees
Mo-69 Bad knees. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Stage roof at Pinewood Studios
Mo-70 Stage roof at Pinewood Studios. Sold £33 24 Jan 2020 Cheffins

The mount
Mo-71 The mount. Sold £33 24 Jan 2020

Cottage in Fulham
Mo-74 Fulham. Sold 6 Dec 2019

Moored boats
Mo-11 Moored boats Sold £33 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Cows in Autumn
Mo-12 Cows in Autumn Sold 28 Mar 2019 Cheffins

Pool Scopelos
Mo-13 Scopelos, Greece
Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins
Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Pomona Ave
Mo-14 House. Possibly Pomona Ave, London.

Mo-15 Orange houses

Mo-16 Denmark. Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Mo-17 Abstract

Life Boat to Norway
Mo-18 Boat to Norway Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Green Hump plus trees
Mo-19 Green Hump plus trees

Mo-20 Freezing cold. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Mo-21 Farm House

Mo-22 Moo

Mo-23 Church

Mo-24 Norway houses in harbour Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Sortland Lofoten
Mo-25 Sortland Lofoten Sold 11 June 2019 Roseberys

Plant in red Pot
Mo-26 Plant Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Sailing boats
Mo-27 Sailing boats Sold 28/3/2019 Cheffins

Trees and Road
Mo-28 Trees

Mo-29 Table with flowers. Sold 24 Oct 2019

Book ends Publishers Party (Movement 90)
Mo-30 Publishers Party (Movement 90)  Sold 15 Nov 2018. Cheffins

Pink Roses on blue mug
Mo-31 Pink Roses on blue mug.  Sold Cheffins 28 March 2019

Snowed tree in town
Mo-32 Snowed in town

Mo-33 Road

Eel Brook Common
Mo-34 Eel Brook Common Sold 11 Oct 2018

Church of St Peter and St Paul, Godalming
Mo-35 Church of St Peter and St Paul, Godalming

Cattle resting
Mo-37 Cattle resting Sold 25/4/2019 Cheffins

Two white flowers
Mo-38 Two White flowers

Pink and black ladies
Mo-40 Pink and black ladies Sold 11/10/2018  Cheffins

Mo-41 Trees

Fleurs on red box
Mo-42   Fleurs on red box. Sold 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Drink circles
Mo-44 Drink circles. Sold 24 Oct 2019

Drone view of town
Mo-45 Drone view of town.

Table cloth-blue-white-checker
Mo-46 Blue/white Table cloth. Sold £20  23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

red book ends Well Read Movement 90
Mo-54 Well Read 'Movement 90'.  Sold 15 Nov 2018. Cheffins

Walkers in the park
Mo-55 Walkers in the park.

Blue/green dancer
Mo-56 Blue/green dancer. Sold 15 Nov 2018 Cheffins

Mo-57 Derelict Catalina at Red Hills Lake, Madras. Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins

Mo-58 Birthday '96 card. "Your place or mine". Sold Cheffins 7 Feb 2019

Mo-59 Two figs b/w sketch. Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

2 female
Mo-60 Two figs b/w sketch. Sold 7 Feb 2019 Cheffins

Building site
Mo-67 Building site.

Bad knees
Mo-69 Bad knees. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

Stage roof at Pinewood Studios
Mo-70 Stage roof at Pinewood Studios. Sold £33 24 Jan 2020 Cheffins

The mount
Mo-71 The mount. Sold £33 24 Jan 2020

Cottage in Fulham
Mo-74 Fulham. Sold 6 Dec 2019

All Hallows Church, Tillingdon
Mo-48 All Hallows Church, Tillingdon, Petworth. Sold 11 Oct 2018

Mo-49 Orange.

Red knees
Mo-51 Red knees.

Docks view
Mo-52 The docks. Sold £20 23 Jan 2020 Cheffins

London Street Scene
Mo-53 London Street Scene. Sold 11 Oct 2018 Cheffins

If you can help with improved titles or comments below these thumbnail images above, please submit the image reference number Mo-XX and your suggested text by email to me

Also welcome are constructive suggestions for inclusion of additional images, or links to web sites (no spam links please) where these pictures are featured in more detail.

Page updated 7 March 2024

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