If you know and can tell me more about any of these paintings by Roy Carnon, please provide suitable text to go below the relevant picture: Send email
If you know and can tell me more about any of these paintings by Roy Carnon, please provide suitable text to go below the relevant picture: Send email
Flight and Aircraft magazine cover, 23 Dec 1948
News of The Companion Book Club July 1957
ch1 Church of Peter and Saint Paul, Godalming
ch2 Photo of an original large set-up sketch to be used as guide for a film set in
film "Reds"
Full credits
ch3 Jarniniere in Winter.
ch4 Lottery dice
ch5 White flowers above green leaves.
ch6 Example of a Collage.
ch7 Red knees.
ch8 Sun collage.
ch9 Vincent resting.
ch10 Vincent sleeping.
ch11 Row of red houses.
ch12 House with scaffolding.
ch13 Coat stand
If you can help with improved comments below the images above, please email me and refer to the relevant image. Please add any suggested text.
Also welcome are suggestions for inclusion of additional images, or links to web sites where these events and pictures are featured in more detail.
Page last edited 23 Feb 2024.